- Anti-dandruff
- All hair types
- Water-soluble treatment mask mildly peels dead skin cells off the scalp clearing dandruff and improving general scalp condition
- Moisturizes hair and scalp
- Helps soothe itchiness and irritation
- Repairs damaged hair and help restore elasticity
- Adds shine and manageability
- pH 3.0
- Dermatologically tested
How to Use:
- After hair wash as a conditioner or a scalp peeling mask
- Massage onto wet hair and scalp, leave on for 2-15 minutes, and rinse thoroughly
Manufactured in Finland
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SIM System 4 - O 修護髮膜 150ml
- 適用於所有類型頭髮
- 水溶性油份護理髮膜,能輕度去除頭皮上死皮細胞的頭屑
- 深層滋潤修復受損髮質, 令秀髮回復光澤、彈性、去除靜電、清除頭屑、減退瘙癢和刺激
- 產品可作為髮膜或護髮素,剃鬚膏及去除嬰兒乳痂
- pH 3.0
- 沖洗洗髮水後,把修護髮膜按摩頭皮及頭髮 2-10分鐘,然後用溫水沖洗
- 或作髮膜使用時,徹底洗淨頭髮後,用毛巾擦乾頭髮及頭皮,把髮膜留在頭髮上5 -30分鐘,或加熱處理增強效果 ,然後用溫水沖洗