![GlamPalm GP101 Professional Hair Styler Skinny [Flat|0.5 inch]](http://mobius-hk.com/cdn/shop/products/3_{width}x.jpg?v=1639046531)
The Magic Series™ come with a wide array of features which some are exclusive to GlamPalm only creating a multitude of exciting looks without using too much heat. Whether you want to smooth, flick, curl or straighten the hair, with GlamPalm it is all possible at a lower heat. The benefit of using less heat in combination with our Healing Stone Technology™ is virtually no damage to the hair.FEATURESHealing Stone Technology™ & Far-Infrared Ray and AnionsThe GlamPalm special ceramic heat plate is different from the usual ceramic heat plate. These special heat plates are independently developed by GlamPalm which enables smooth gliding preventing the hair to be pulled out. By emitting far-infrared ray and generating anions GlamPalm prevents hair damage and makes hair softer and glossier than ever.
- Lightweight with Tilting & Cushioned Plates
- 11 Digital Heat Settings
- Comfortable Grip with Ergonomic Design
- Simple, Minimalist Aesthetics
- 3D Swivel Pivot Cord
- 3-metre Power Cord
- Hibernation Mode - 30 min Auto Shut-off
- Safety Heat Resistance Guard
- Sweat-absorbing Grip
- World Voltage (110V-240V)
- 2 Year Manufacturers Warranty
Manufactured in Korea
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GlamPalm GP101 專業造型夾 [平面|纖幼板闊0.5寸]
與GlamPalm 品牌銷量最高型號的GP201系出同門。效果不但與GP201一樣順滑光澤,有專利陶瓷發熱板技術,能夠保持髮質健康。GP101給與追求完美的用家們多一個選擇,板闊0.5寸的它能造出更細緻的造型要求、更易操作。
品牌獨有的造型面板技術 - Healing Stone™*,這是一項導熱佳的陶瓷面板材質,可減少每次整燙的加熱時間和次數,有助減少高溫對髮絲的傷害。
*於國外大學測試,用家用上GlamPalm 造型夾持續四星期,測試證實 GlamPalm 造型夾上的天然礦物陶瓷質料 (Healing Stone™) 只會造成輕微傷害,有效地把頭髮所受的熱力傷害減到最低。
- 快速預熱速度25秒,尤其適合忙碌上班族們
- 具3D設計的電線軸頭可360度靈活旋轉,操作時可避免電線纏成一團,更耐用
- 國際電壓(110V-240V),環球通用
- 11 段可自由調校溫度 (攝氏100-200度) 不同髮質都可放心達到理想造型效果,髮質較硬可調校較高溫度。受損或漂染髮質則可調校較低溫度。助你塑造完美直髮或曲髮。受損程度減至最低,同時呈現完美造型。
- 韓國製造
- 兩年保養