- A refreshing Shampoo and Body Wash for skin affected by Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis
- To stimulate repair, promote healing and dispel bacteria, maintain long-lasting hydration for optimum effect
- Leaves skin feeling soft, supple, and hydrated
- Reinforces the skin’s protective barrier
- Calms inflammation, redness, and itching
- Animal cruelty-free. No petrochemicals. No parabens. No PEG’s. No alcohols. No synthetic perfumes or steroids
- 90% natural formula with botanical ingredients
- Dermatologically tested, non-comedogenic
Lavender: Antiseptic and anti-microbial properties, high in antioxidants and Vitamins A and E
Tea Tree: Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties helps fight dry and itchy scalps
Patchouli: Regenerates new skin cells, soothes inflammation with antiseptic properties
Manufactured in United Kingdom
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Therapeutics 治療性洗髮水/沐浴露 -濕疹和牛皮癣 300ml
- 刺激修復,促進癒合和消除細菌,保持持久滋潤
- 令肌膚柔軟,水潤
- 加強皮膚的保護層
- 舒緩炎症,紅腫和痕癢
- 無動物測試、無石油化工、無防腐劑、無PEG'S、無酒精、無合成香料、無類固醇
- 90%天然配方與植物成份
- 經皮膚病學測試,無致粉刺性
廣藿香: 使新細胞再生,舒緩炎症及除細菌功能