Our best-selling model. 1” plates with powerful heat and Healing Stone ceramic works on 90% of hair types. Glampalm has the largest variety of irons with all types of features for specific use - but if you must pick just iron, this is the one!
The 1" Signature comes in three colors - classic black, sleek gunmetal, and vibrant red.
Personalize your iron with our custom engraving service! Select a font and the text to be engraved, and you'll have a one of a kind iron that's uniquely yours.*
Product Features:
- 1-inch Healing Stone ceramic plates perfect for most hair types
- 11 heat settings between 100-200°C
- 25-second heating speed
- Sleep mode after 60 minutes
- Included accessories - heat resistant cap and carbon tail comb
- 10 ft 3D ball swivel cord reduces cord tangling
- Universal Voltage (110V-220V)
- 2-year manufacturer's warranty
Manufactured in Korea
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GlamPalm GP201 專業造型夾 [平面|板闊1寸]
GlamPalm 品牌成立以來銷量最高型號,是品牌的代表作。擁有最佳性價比,其燙直效果、燙直速度、加熱速度都是十分出色,造型效果不但順滑光澤,而且配合專利的陶瓷發熱板技術,能夠保持髮質健康。其高耐用性,更是專業髮型師及化妝師的的選擇和最愛。
品牌獨有的造型面板技術 - Healing Stone*, 這是一項導熱佳的陶瓷面板材質,可減少每次整燙的加熱時間和次數,有助減少高溫對髮絲的傷害。
*於國外大學測試,用家用上GlamPalm 造型夾持續四星期,測試證實 GlamPalm 造型夾上的天然礦物陶瓷質料 (Healing Stone) 只會造成輕微傷害,有效地把頭髮所受的熱力傷害減到最低。
- 快速預熱速度25秒,尤其適合忙碌上班族們
- 具3D設計的電線軸頭可360度靈活旋轉,操作時可避免電線纏成一團,更耐用
- 國際電壓(110V-220V),環球通用
- 11種可自由調校溫度(攝氏100-200度) 不同髮質都可放心達到理想造型效果,髮質較硬可調校較高溫度。受損或漂染髮質則可調校較低溫度。助你塑造完美直髮或曲髮。受損程度減至最低,同時呈現完美造型。
- 韓國製造
- 兩年保養